Sunday, April 14, 2024

The Caiman of Iquitos


If you’re a fan of espionage novels, political corruption, moles in high governmental jobs, conspiracies against the American government, and dark cooperation about nuclear wanna-be countries, then you’ll get quickly pulled into this adventure. The Caiman of Iquitos is the third story in the series of Apex Predator Espionage Thrillers.


Why was Lewis Cambridge being pulled out of his English MI6 position in Pakistan Why would the Russians use a sub to sink its own freighter off the coast of Peru? The freighter was carrying rogue enriched uranium from an as yet unidentified source which was headed to North Korea. The American president, President Adoyo, was more concerned with improving his family’s wealth than doing what was best for the country, so he was interfering with any investigation of activities in Peru that might bring some understanding to this international mess. Meanwhile, a cartel was trying to profit off the sale of computer technology which really would bring North Korea into the nuclear world. A resourceful and capable North Korean operative, Heung Yeong-Ho, was doing all that he could to make the North Korean efforts successful, so he could bring the enriched uranium and necessary technology to his “Dear Leader.”


The off-the-books paramilitary operators were led by John Viera who had been recovering from his last covert job at the same time his marriage was falling apart. His mother-in-law thought he was the wrong person to be married to her daughter, and she kept trying to drive a wedge in John’s marriage. Inadvertently, he learned that his long fertility efforts with his wife Kelly had finally been successful, but she was trying to keep that a secret from him.


When the president would not authorize an investigation of these matters, John and his team accepted the job which took them into the Amazon where they discovered the rogue uranimum mine as well as the international cartel who were hoping to profit from this sale of ore and technology. Iquitos was the location of the Amazon mine. Caiman’s are a species of alligators which inhabited the Iquitos area. The story involved a large cast of characters with people who were willing to suddenly change sides depending on who was still alive and who had money to pay them.


It's an action-packed story, and if this sounds like your genre, then you’ll be entertained.

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